Company Policies

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

PHILODRILL is committed to maintaining the highest standards of business conduct and ethics, as well as full compliance with all applicable government laws, rules and regulations, corporate reporting and disclosure, accounting practices, auditing practices and other matters relating to fraud against shareholders.

This Code of Ethics sets out the ethical and behavioral standards expected of PHILODRILL's ("The Company") Directors, Officers, Employees and Contractors.

The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to underpin and support the Company's vision and values that govern our individual and collective behavior, in order to be the leading publicly listed company with a wide portfolio of oil and gas projects in the Philippines and enable our stakeholders to participate in the growth of the Philippine Energy Sector, fully aware of our obligation to enhance stakeholder values. With these, we will help attain the ultimate goal of energy-self sufficiency for the Country.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Risk Management Policy

Philodrill is a petroleum exploration and production company, with a diversified portfolio of assets. We provide services that consistently meet customer requirements and expectations. Our right to operate and our reputation as a publicly-listed company wholly depends upon our adherence to the prevailing laws, regulations and technical & industry standards.

In addition to the prevailing laws, regulations and technical & industry standards, Philodrill’s management has a focused obligation to manage the risks inherent to its business. This, coupled with individual leadership and accountability empowers the Company to operate profitably while promoting its Risk Management Policy.

Enterprise Risk Management Framework

Other Policies

Related Party Transaction Policy

Material Related Party Transactions Policy

Policy on Training, Health, Safety and Welfare of Employees

Conflict of Interest Policy

Insider Trading Policy

Whistle Blower Policy

Policy on Succession Planning for the Board and Senior Management

Policy on Training of Directors

Board Performance Evaluation Policy

Diversity Policy

Alternative Dispute Mechanism


8th Floor, Quad Alpha Centrum Building, 125 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City, Philippines 1550