Our Business

About Philodrill Corporation

The Philodrill Corporation was incorporated in 1969 as the Philippine Overseas Drilling and Oil Development Corporation, focusing on oil exploration. As one of the pioneers in the Philippine oil exploration industry, it remains highly active today. Early in its history, the company successfully participated in drilling several oil discoveries in the offshore Palawan area, and the revenues generated from these initiatives fueled its steady growth and profitability throughout the 1970s and early 1980s.

However, by the mid-1980s, as the company’s petroleum revenues began to decline, a strategic decision was made to diversify beyond oil exploration into emerging growth sectors of the Philippine economy. This decision was designed to accelerate the company’s growth and enhance profitability while providing a stable counterbalance to the high risks associated with oil exploration. As a result, Philodrill invested in property development, manufacturing, mining, and financial services, while still maintaining an active role in local oil exploration through selective participation in various petroleum exploration consortia.

While Philodrill is now a diversified company, it continues to focus on its core business of petroleum exploration and production. From 2004 to 2019, Philodrill successfully operated three marginal fields located off Northwest Palawan. The company is also a partner in the Galoc Field, which is the largest oil-producing field in the Philippines. Additionally, Philodrill’s portfolio includes exploration contracts in some of the country’s most promising areas. This strategic involvement in different service contracts positions the company at the forefront of upstream petroleum activities in the country.The company also has investments in sectors such as mining, infrastructure, and financial services.

A summary of the exploration and production assets of The Philodrill Corporation are as follows:



Area (km2)

Participating Interest

Block Operator


SC 14C1

(Galoc Block)

Offshore Northwest Palawan



NPG Pty Ltd.


Nominated Area 10

(Octon Block)

Offshore Northwest Palawan



The Philodrill Corporation

Under application for a SC

Former SC 6B

(Cadlao Block)

Offshore Northwest Palawan



Nido Petroluem Philippines Pty Ltd

Under application for a Development and Production Petroleum SC (DPPSC)

SC 14C2

(West Linapacan Block)

Offshore Northwest Palawan



The Philodrill Corporation

Appraisal and Redevelopment

SC 53


Onshore Mindoro



The Philodrill Corporation

Appraisal and Exploration


Offshore Sulu Sea



Triangle Energy (Global) Ltd

Under application for a SC


Offshore Sulu Sea



Triangle Energy (Global) Ltd

Under application for a SC

The Philodrill Corporation continues to be a leading participant in various exploration and production activities in the country, making it one of the most active players in the sector. Some of its notable past and current petroleum-related projects and activities include:

 ● Acting as the designated operator since 2004, the company manages day-to-day operations at the Nido, Matinloc, and North Matinloc Fields, all located

    offshore in Northwest Palawan.

 ● Serving as a consortium partner in the Galoc Field, which is currently the largest oil-producing field in the Philippines.

 ● Operating Service Contracts 6A (Octon Block) and 6B (Bonita Block), both of which are exploration blocks located offshore in Northwest Palawan. The

    discovery wells Octon-1, Octon-2, and Esperanza-1, drilled in the Octon Block, are notable results of the company’s dedicated exploration efforts.

● Participating as a consortium partner in other active petroleum exploration contracts, including Service Contract 14C2, which is evaluating the reactivation of the

   West Linapacan Field; and Service Contract 53 – Onshore Mindoro, which plans to drill wells to test for gas.

● Actively contributing to the exploration, development, and production operations of all the Northwest Palawan oilfields: Nido, Matinloc, Cadlao, North Matinloc,

   Galoc, Tara, and West Linapacan.


8th Floor, Quad Alpha Centrum Building, 125 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City, Philippines 1550